He received notification from Spotify that they've recognized him in their 'fresh finds" which is huge. This song has a catchy tune to it. He talks about ride it out, which is an implication of how he's riding the waves out of being patient with the obstacles he encounters as an artist. and here is what he has to say about that:
"On a brighter note, this latest record is entitled “Ride It Out, Run It Back”. On this record, I lightly touch on my feelings towards the lifestyle as an artist and how I do appreciate it. However, I made the decision not too long ago that I would invest myself in this for the sole purpose of making money. It’s been rough to say the least, but at this point, I’m still faithful in my pursuit- and because of the support from my loved ones and YOU, I remain with my head above water. HERE. Endurance is the name of the game and not so much speed. Although, it does feel as if I’m limited on time haha.."
I know hard work always pays off. One day he will reap the rewards of his work. I love this son of mine and the battles he experiences with his career as a musician. One day soon. One day soon.